Beautiful Downtown Peoria

Beautiful Downtown Peoria

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hospitality Improvement Zone (HIZ) TIF

The cities of Tinley Park, East Peoria, and Normal have developed

high quality conference centers and hotels which draw business

from Peoria. Springfield’s attractiveness has been greatly enhanced

by the Lincoln Museum. These improved competitors all received

substantial assistance from government, and will draw business

from downtown Peoria.

Our downtown hotels and other hospitality industry business

struggle to compete with these quality new developments.

The City can choose to compete or not to compete. The

proposed Hospitality Improvement Zone would assist existing

and new businesses invest, improve, and expand.

City Council has directed staff to present the potential HIZ TIF

to our sister governments and civic associations, and request

their input and direction.

Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your viewpoint.

Send comments or questions to

309 643 0482 More info at


Hospitality Improvement Zone (HIZ) Presentations Made

as of March 26, 2008

City Council

Downtown Hotel Owners

Downtown Property Owners

Sanitary District

Peoria County

Peoria Township

Detweiller Trust

Planning Commission

Heart of Peoria Commission




Various citizens and developers

City staff


Requested Meeting


Mass Transit District

Chamber of Commerce June 5, 2008

Economic Development Stakeholders


District 150 - Will schedule after agreement on previous TIF's is complete

Park District - No presentation needed, letter was enough

More Info on

under Hospitality Improvement Zone

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